The Cottage on 2nd Avenue
24 September
I'm still here... or maybe a better way to put that would be I survived a few days of pure hell. I made the move to my new-to-me cottage on 2nd avenue but it was not an easy move, nor was it pleasurable in any way, shape, or form... in fact it was horrible, the most stressful experience I think I've ever experienced and I'm so glad it's over.
Here's the short version of how it went down. I filled up a 10' x 12' storage unit about a week before the big move then I was given access to the garage at the new place 3 days early and since it's only a 1-car garage that was filled up quite quickly as well. Then closing day came. Keep in mind that both houses had to close at the same time to make this happen. On closing day I thought to myself... "no big deal, there isn't much left, it'll be easy". Pfffffffffffffftttttttttttttttttt... boy was I living in a freaking delusion!!!
I did not get the keys to my new place until 4pm and had to be out of my house by 9pm. And my old house has the uncanny knack of hiding things!!! Every time I thought we were getting close a closet full of stuff appeared! I ran out of boxes (we ended up just throwing stuff in the back of the truck) and then a yearly, local festival started at the church down the street. This festival is not even 1 block from my house and the streets are blocked off and every inch of parking space is taken up by festival goers making it very difficult to move a household.
So, my friend and I hauled ass... we finally got the last of what we could and pulled out of the driveway at 8:50pm. We lost a box along the way and everything was gone by the time we got back to where we lost it, had to leave stuff behind that we just couldn't get, and my poor dogs Roxanne and Pongo were so stressed out. They were so confused as to what was happening and to avoid having to worry about them getting out of the yard at the new house they were the very last things we put into the overstuffed truck as we headed out.
I can honestly say that I have never been so stressed out in my life. I felt horrible that my friend had to go through that but was SO grateful he stayed by my side until the very end. He even stayed late putting my bed together for me and brought me food, toilet paper... and lots of hugs as I bawled my eyes out for the next two days!
I'm happy to say that I'm finally starting to feel better. I can actually eat now! On the bright side I probably lost a few pounds because I was sick to my stomach and didn't eat much for a few days!
So, I've been cleaning ... and cleaning and cleaning since Saturday! The guy who lived in this house was nothing short of a PIG! He might even rate right up there with The Renter from Hell that my parent's had to deal with!
I started in the kitchen because to me there is nothing worse than some other person's nasty kitchen goobies!!!
I pulled out ancient contact paper in several differentlovely hideous designs...
...scrubbed down cabinets inside and out.
And removed and cleaned all the magnetic cabinet door latches.
And then put down new contact paper and re-installed the sparkling clean latches!
I know the drawers and cabinets may not look clean, especially around the knobs but trust me they are! They are just old, cheap, and the finish is coming off. I'm planning on painting them. I'm thinking of gray base cabinets and white uppers :o)
It feels so much better to have everything clean so I can put my dishes and stuff away!
I took the doors off the sink cabinet and I'm planning on adding a cute curtain to that instead.
Kind of like this, isn't this one pretty?
I'm going to paint it inside and out and use it as open shelving.
Like this... I love the dark background on this one too!

Here's the short version of how it went down. I filled up a 10' x 12' storage unit about a week before the big move then I was given access to the garage at the new place 3 days early and since it's only a 1-car garage that was filled up quite quickly as well. Then closing day came. Keep in mind that both houses had to close at the same time to make this happen. On closing day I thought to myself... "no big deal, there isn't much left, it'll be easy". Pfffffffffffffftttttttttttttttttt... boy was I living in a freaking delusion!!!
I did not get the keys to my new place until 4pm and had to be out of my house by 9pm. And my old house has the uncanny knack of hiding things!!! Every time I thought we were getting close a closet full of stuff appeared! I ran out of boxes (we ended up just throwing stuff in the back of the truck) and then a yearly, local festival started at the church down the street. This festival is not even 1 block from my house and the streets are blocked off and every inch of parking space is taken up by festival goers making it very difficult to move a household.
So, my friend and I hauled ass... we finally got the last of what we could and pulled out of the driveway at 8:50pm. We lost a box along the way and everything was gone by the time we got back to where we lost it, had to leave stuff behind that we just couldn't get, and my poor dogs Roxanne and Pongo were so stressed out. They were so confused as to what was happening and to avoid having to worry about them getting out of the yard at the new house they were the very last things we put into the overstuffed truck as we headed out.
I can honestly say that I have never been so stressed out in my life. I felt horrible that my friend had to go through that but was SO grateful he stayed by my side until the very end. He even stayed late putting my bed together for me and brought me food, toilet paper... and lots of hugs as I bawled my eyes out for the next two days!
I'm happy to say that I'm finally starting to feel better. I can actually eat now! On the bright side I probably lost a few pounds because I was sick to my stomach and didn't eat much for a few days!
So, I've been cleaning ... and cleaning and cleaning since Saturday! The guy who lived in this house was nothing short of a PIG! He might even rate right up there with The Renter from Hell that my parent's had to deal with!
I started in the kitchen because to me there is nothing worse than some other person's nasty kitchen goobies!!!
I pulled out ancient contact paper in several different
...scrubbed down cabinets inside and out.
And removed and cleaned all the magnetic cabinet door latches.
And then put down new contact paper and re-installed the sparkling clean latches!
I know the drawers and cabinets may not look clean, especially around the knobs but trust me they are! They are just old, cheap, and the finish is coming off. I'm planning on painting them. I'm thinking of gray base cabinets and white uppers :o)
It feels so much better to have everything clean so I can put my dishes and stuff away!
I took the doors off the sink cabinet and I'm planning on adding a cute curtain to that instead.
Kind of like this, isn't this one pretty?
Source: Debbie Doos
And I removed the doors off this cabinet.
I'm going to paint it inside and out and use it as open shelving.
Like this... I love the dark background on this one too!
And while I was busy cleaning my electrician was replacing an old, dangerous, Zinsco electrical panel.
I ended up with a whole new electrical service! He also fixed the dishwasher which was not wired properly, some exposed wiring in the garage, and added a plug-in in the half bath which didn't have any... not one!
I think I've finally finished the kitchen cleaning, I was on my hands and knees for about an hour today with a scrub brush cleaning the kitchen and dining room floors. It was so nasty, I had to take a flat blade screwdriver and run it under all the baseboards to get the filth out from underneath. But now I can walk around barefoot without grossing out! Yay!
Posted by: Tania | Little Vintage Cottage
at 24 September
home decor
Ugh, that all sounds horrible and I feel so bad for you. Cleaning up that house will be a lot of work, but one you're done, have your stuff put away, then you can start doing the fun part - like painting and all that. You've already made some small improvements. Cant wait to see what you all do.
ReplyDeleteOh Tania!!!!!!!! Hopefully the worst is behind you.
Wish i could have been there more to help!
ReplyDeleteBut you're making good progress.
Every time we move it takes me forever to recover !! Hang in there ox :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, it's getting better each day!
I am happy to hear you are feeling better. You had a rough start in your new place, but the worst is behind you and now you can have fun fixing it up to suit you! I can't wait to see what you do with the place. I am already liking the ideas you have for the kitchen. Have fun playing house!
ReplyDeleteOMG...I can so relate with you! I'm sorry you had such a stressful move! It took us 13 hours (9AM to 10PM to move our stuff)....and, I'll agree. Closing is a nightmare! It's not only stressful up until the second that the pen touches the paper, it's until all the stuff is in the new home! My dogs were also loosing their minds! They have adjusted well tho, so...for that, I'm grateful!!! And, for the record. The first room I tackled was the kitchen...The cabinets, oven, and fridge were soooooo nasty! It really grosses me out! Had to deep clean the entire place! Needless to say, I'm glad it's all over and that we are finally in the FIRST home we've ever owned!
ReplyDeleteThanks Ruth, it was stressful to say the least! Sounds like you experienced about the same! Good luck with your new house!
Oh my gosh, I feel your pain! We just moved into a new home a month ago, and we still have a ton of stuff left in the old house. We need to get them by Sunday, but my husband has work till Saturday morning, so I can't do anything till the actual day.
ReplyDeleteYou are so blessed to have such a helpful friend!
Angeli here from BaBCB :)